Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Updates will be posted as soon as I catch my breath.

And here we have the main reason for the scarcity of updates on the boat. Good gravy but Kitty is in full on, non-stop, go go go toddlerhood. Girlfriend here is not one to sit by and watch the world pass by. She is all about climbing, jumping, dancing, singing and running non-stop from dawn until well past dusk. At the end of the day, I can barely manage to keep my eyes open for an hour before I collapse. Did I mention she STILL does not reliably sleep through the night ?  Yeah. Good thing she is so darned cute- and by cute I mean really cute. As much as I long for 30 minutes to myself, I wouldn't trade her insistence on listening to her sing, watching her dance, hearing her count (one, two, three, seven...) or reading a Thomas the Tank Engine book for the 17th time in a row for anything. She's just figured out that she has opinions and can impact her world so she is hell bent on exercising these new discovieries as often as she can.

The big girl is keeping me running as well. Maura knows this is her last year here to experience all that a Texas public school has to offer so she is throwing herself whole heartedly into activites and events. Every once in a while I have to be the Kill Joy who tells her that I just can't be everywhere at once today but for the most part, I'm trying to let her enjoy this time as much as she can. This wouldb e a heck of a lot easier if she could drive herself.

Mark is plodding forward on the wiring and has installed the battery bank selector control panel and happily enough, it seems to be working a treat. I'll post some new photos soon on the install. Please be sure to leave a comment when I do about the exquisitely crafted teak mounting cabinet he made. It makes him giddy when you do.


  1. Oh, THERE you are. Thought we'd lost you. Glad to have you back.


  2. Oh yeah they do have to assert their will, don't they? Still waiting on Cassie (age 16) to take any interest in driving whatsoever.

    SUCH a sweet picture!!!!!!!!!

  3. Hey, you removed your e-mail address from your blog. But I suspect you already knew that. Anyway, what I wanted to ask is what is the correct pronunciation of Ceol Mor? I tend to sat "See Ol' More" but I'd be willing to bet that that's wrong. I asked this once before but it was one of those comments that vanished into the ether before being posted.


  4. @Steve had a bit of a run in with a hacker so I pulled the email addy after locking down the mail account. Fortunately, nothing of importance stored in that account but still..

    The name of the boat is prnounced "Kale More" and no, it doesn'trefer to lettuce. Its Scots Gaelic for "Big Music" which refers to classical bagpipe music or Piobaireachd (pea brockhhhh). Mark is both Scottish and a piper and I ixnayed his original name choice of Piobaireachd because A: no one and I mena no one would get the name right and B: No way could I soell it phonetically over the radio in less than a week in an emergency!

  5. Wow, that picture is amazing! Kitty is a super cool kid with a great roar and an excellent way of saying "alligator." It's got to be so much fun chasing after her.

    And it was a smart move putting the kibosh on the first boat name. Next time I see you guys you're going to have to pronounce it for me!

  6. Cool, I was wondering how you pronounced it as well.
